Making MeaningĀ of Your Memories

Practical tips and insights to uncover and write about the memories that have shaped your life.

First Draft to Finished Manuscript: A Breakdown of the Memoir Writing Processā€“Part 2 getting started memoirs writing tips Jun 19, 2024

Writers often underestimate the number of drafts they’ll need to write, edit, and rewrite to get them from their first draft to a fully formed manuscript. In Part 1 of this blog post, I...

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First Draft to Finished Manuscript: A Breakdown of the Memoir Writing Processā€“Part 1 getting started memoirs writing tips Jun 09, 2024

Writers commonly underestimate the effort required to complete a book. You get inspired to write about your life, then sit down and start pecking at the keys, letting your passion and vision...

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How to Write a Powerful Premise for Your Memoir memoirs writing tips May 30, 2024

A premise is the foundational idea or central theme that drives your memoir—a single sentence that captures the essence of the story you want to tell. Your premise serves as the guiding light...

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Unlocking the Past: Using Writing Prompts to Activate Your Memories memoirs memories writing tips Apr 18, 2024

My brother and his wife bought the childhood home where my five siblings and I grew up. Whenever I visit, I feel a flood of memories. I can visualize life in our modest-sized house with eight...

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Break Through Busyness and Write Your Memoir memoirs productivity writing tips Mar 21, 2024

Many people worry they don't have enough time to write a memoir. Life is busy and finding time to write can be challenging. However, writing a memoir doesn't have to be a full-time job. Even if you...

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Unlocking the Past: How Writing Prompts Can Deepen Your Memoir getting started memoirs memories writing tips Feb 01, 2024

Writing a memoir is hard work, especially if you're struggling to remember some of the most pivotal moments in your life. If you’re having a hard time accessing key memories and sensory...

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Map Your Memoir Writing Goals for 2024 memoir mindset productivity writing tips Dec 26, 2023

Embarking on the journey of writing your memoir is a courageous and deeply personal endeavor. As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on your experiences and commit to...

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Writing About My Trauma Set Me Free memoirs writing tips Dec 14, 2023

I never planned to write a memoir. Even though I had spent a good part of my career ghostwriting and editing other people’s stories, it never occurred to me that I might one day want to tell...

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You've Finished Your First Draft. Now What? memoirs writing tips Dec 06, 2023

Every November I host a 30-day Memoir Writing Challenge (National Memoir Writing Month—NaMeWriMo) modeled after the longstanding National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). My challenge...

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One First-Draft Mistake that Hurts Your Memoir getting started memoirs writing tips Nov 27, 2023

One mistake I consistently see memoir writers make is being guarded in their first draft. Likely, they're following the commonly accepted advice to "write from your scars, not your...

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How to Incorporate Elements of Fiction into Your Memoir memoirs writing tips Nov 15, 2023

The first time I wrote a memoir, my editor suggested I add more elements of fiction to it. While I had done a good job capturing the facts, it lacked vivid descriptions to draw readers into each...

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6 Tips for Using Writing Prompts writing tips Jun 08, 2023

Writing a memoir is no easy feat, especially if you're struggling to remember some of the most pivotal moments in your life. But fear not, there are ways to unlock those memories and put them down...

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