Making MeaningĀ of Your Memories

Practical tips and insights to uncover and write about the memories that have shaped your life.

4 Questions to Ask to Keep Self-Doubt from Sabotaging Your Memoir memoir mindset Jan 11, 2022

When you get to the end of 2022, what do you want to look back and remember the year for? Spending more time with your friends? Losing 20 pounds? Reading a book a month? Decluttering your...

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Set Your Memoir Writing Goals for 2022 productivity Dec 28, 2021

I’m a goal-setter. I can’t help myself. At the end of the year, I like to take time to reflect on the year I’ve just lived. What were the high points, low points, and points in...

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Writing about Family Secrets memoir mindset writing tips Nov 14, 2021

One of the most common and paralyzing obstacles for memoir writers is telling stories that expose family secrets. The fear of being ostracized—or worse,...

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Where's the Best Place to Write? productivity writing tips Sep 12, 2021

When I moved to the city to start a new life after my divorce, I splurged and bought myself a special writing desk. It has the look of an old drafting table with a matching swivel stool. Both the...

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Stuck in a Writing Rut? How to Bring Fresh Eyes to Your Work memoir mindset Aug 19, 2021

I work with words all day, every day. I write and edit memoirs. I help others learn how to write memoirs. I ghostwrite people’s life stories. I’m a copywriter and a content marketing...

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How to Use Writing Prompts (and Other Sources) to Mine for Memories memoirs writing tips Jul 21, 2021

Writing prompts are a great way to get your creative juices flowing when you sit down to do your daily writing. They provide a focal point to quickly generate stories.

For memoir writers,...

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35 Memoirs to Read This Summer memoirs Jun 16, 2021

It’s been said, “If you want to be a great writer, you need to have an insatiable appetite for reading.”  Summer is the perfect time to grab a few books to bring on vacation...

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Should You Write Your Own Memoir or Hire a Ghostwriter? writing tips Jun 01, 2021

Everyone has a story to tell. A slice of life to share hard-won wisdom, transformation, trauma, redemption, or laugh-out-loud hilarious moments. How many times have you thought, I should...

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Getting Back on Track When Real Life Derails Your Writing Routine memoir mindset productivity May 04, 2021

My schedule was all set. I had my writing time blocked out for the week—30 minutes first thing every morning. The week started out great. Monday I woke up early and put in an hour-and-a-half...

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How to Write About Your Faith (Without Sounding Preachy) writing tips Mar 29, 2021

I spent many years working as an editor and writer for a Christian magazine publishing company. A big part of my job entailed reading article submissions and advance copies of books by...

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How to Host Your Own Stay-at-Home Writing Retreat productivity Mar 15, 2021

I love the idea of going away to a cabin in the mountains or a cottage on a lake or a beach house by the ocean to write. But let’s be real—how many of us actually get to do this?

In all...

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Why Write a Memoir? memoir mindset Feb 28, 2021

When Clara* suffered a near-death medical incident, she felt prompted to write about it. Though she had returned to full physical health, she was still wrestling with some residual emotional...

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