6 Tips for Using Writing Prompts

writing tips Jun 08, 2023
Writing prompts

Writing a memoir is no easy feat, especially if you're struggling to remember some of the most pivotal moments in your life. But fear not, there are ways to unlock those memories and put them down on paper. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using writing prompts

What Are Writing Prompts?

They’re simple questions or statements to help activate your brain and give your mind a point of focus to begin writing.

Some people use writing prompts as a way to get the creative juices flowing when they first sit down to write. Writing prompts can help warm up your mind and your fingers so you can get into a flow state or writing rhythm, similar to how a pianist might practice scales before shifting into working on an actual piece of music. Or the way a runner might spend the first five minutes or more easing into a longer run.

But writing prompts are more than mere warm-up exercises.

Portals to the Past

For memoir writers, writing prompts serve a critical purpose: they help unlock memories that may be buried deep in your mind and heart. These moments may seem small and insignificant. After all, what’s the point of writing about the first tooth you lost, or the worst grade you ever got in school?

Here's the point: Writing prompts can help you step back into your past and remember some of the finer details of your life stories. As you allow yourself to re-experience specific memories with the help of a writing prompt, you gain access to long-buried moments that shaped you in big and small ways.

Some people hate writing prompts and think they're a waste of time. But writing prompts can open a portal to the micro-memoirs embedded within the larger memoir you’re trying to write, and they can help add color and emotional depth to your writing.

6 Tips for Using Writing Prompts

So how can you use writing prompts to help you activate dormant memories and enliven your writing? Here are six tips:

Set the stage. You may want to create an atmosphere that will help stimulate your memory. This can involve finding a quiet place to write, lighting a candle, or putting on some soothing music. Whatever helps you feel comfortable and relaxed and can facilitate deeper introspection.

Embrace freewriting. Once you have your prompt, set a timer for 10-20 minutes and start writing without stopping. Write whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar, spelling or structure, even if it feels disjointed or unrelated. The goal is to keep your fingers moving and unlock the memories buried deep within your subconscious. 

Use sensory descriptions. When you're writing about a specific memory, try to use sensory language to bring it to life. What did you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? Writing about these sensory details will help you to vividly remember the memory and make it feel more real.

Write in the present tense. When you're writing about your memories, try writing in the present tense. This can make the memory feel more immediate and can help you access the emotions connected to that memory.

Be honest and vulnerable. When you’re using writing prompts, write for yourself as if no one will ever read your words. Being honest and vulnerable in your writing can help you access deeper memories and emotions. Free yourself to be as raw and honest as you can be.

Set aside regular time to write. Once you have your writing prompts, set aside dedicated time to write. Make it a routine and stick to it. This will help you develop a consistent writing practice and make progress on your memoir.

Involve others. Sometimes, the memories you are struggling to recall may be hidden within the memories of others. Reach out to family members, childhood friends, or others who may have shared the same experiences as you. Ask them about their memories of a certain event or person, and try to piece together your own narrative from those memories.

Writing prompts can be a powerful tool for unlocking memories and helping you write your memoir. By following these simple tips, you can access deeper memories, write with more detail and richness, and ultimately create a memoir that is both honest and compelling. 

Ready to get started with writing prompts? Download my free guide, “31 Memoir Writing Prompts” and start digging for those meaningful memories today!


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